Life Last Week: Time Investment & Hot Dads

Wes Anderson Group Show
Check out my Instagram account @mynameisreb for more photos.

It’s been about two months since I started working at Master & Dynamic. I’ve been managing both the social media and blog, which means my days are full of everything from responsive messaging to conducting interviews to planning socially-integrated partnerships. It’s a ton of work but it is rewarding. My job is essentially to find interesting creative and entrepreneurial folks and work with them to develop content highlighting their stories. It’s something I’ve always imagined doing and am pretty amazed I stumbled upon it.

Some stuff that happened last week:

  1. What’s amazing about working on a brand like Master & Dynamic is that influencers and celebrities genuinely like it and want to talk about it. You have the expect the unexpected however. Last week Dwyane Wade received a pair of our headphones and posted about it on Instagram. He also managed to post our CEO’s business card. Needless to say he’s changing his cell phone number sometime soon.
  2. Eric shared with me this Instagram feed called “Hot Dads With Tattoos.
  3. I’m nearly halfway through my 27th year and have been thinking a lot about what I want for myself in the future. I want to be able to work for myself so I can have a flexible schedule to both travel for myself and visit my family. I also want to focus on creative projects. I’ve always had a dream of creating my own agency to provide marketing services to artists and other cultural folk. I figured in order to have that happen in five years, now is the time to set the foundation to make that happen. The biggest issue is where to find the time.

    Between family, relationships, friends, and work, it can be hard to find time to spend thinking about and working towards the future. Time is more valuable than money, because once it’s gone, you can never get it back. The past year I’ve been very focused on getting my finances in order. Part of that process is learning the lesson that starting to save a bit now will lead to better rewards in the end. Accomplishing anything should be thought of as a long game. It’s the same with how you spend time. I’ve started by waking up early each weekday morning to send an hour working on my own projects. Just one hour a day can add up over time and leads to getting goals accomplished. It’s honestly been only a week but I already feel that I’m moving towards my goals.

  4. Reading this article about things that aren’t worth worrying about when you start to freelance gave me some reassurance that going freelance might not be so scary.
  5. My friends and I went to the 6th Annual Wes Anderson Art Show at Joseph Gross Gallery this past Saturday. It’s a curated collection of art inspired by Wed Anderson films. What was surprising is that most of the art was in the $200 to $500 range and about half were already purchased by the time we got there.

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