Northside Innovation 2015: The Takeaways

Check out my Instagram account @mynameisreb for more photos
Check out my Instagram account @mynameisreb for more photos

Northside Innovation may have been two weeks ago, but I’m still thinking about the amazing speakers, the inspiration I gained, and how incredibly hot those two days were walking back and forth between my apartment and the Wythe Hotel. I put together a presentation for work to share what I learned, but wanted to share what I gained with a larger audience, so I made an adapted version to post on Slideshare

Some of the highlights for me was listening to Tina Roth Eisenberg’s / Swissmiss’ keynote about the value of complaining (fun fact, she was a keynote speaker for a FindSpark Find & Follow Your Passion conference a few years ago), hearing about ThisIsStory from founder Rachel Shechtman, a Chelsea-based retail space that operates like a magazine, and being entertained by the founder of the design-focused e-commerce site Bezar Bradford Shellhammer, who is also a co-founder of one of my favorite sites

If you’re NYC-based, you should also check out the Northside Innovation Meetup, happening on a monthly basis and usually accompanied by free barbecue and Brooklyn Lager.

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